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Die Bibel - fortlaufende Textlesung |
The Bible - consecutively reading the text |
The Bible-Online HELP to access the Bible text
Es gibt auch eine deutsche Hilfe. Sie können sie direkt erreichen oder, indem Sie zur Hauptseite zurückgehen, dort das deutsche Menue mit dem Schalter «deutsch» aufrufen und dann den HILFE-Schalter erneut betätigen.
1. Objective
This web page will provide text of the Bible for consecutively reading.
You may choose between different versions of the Bible. Everything is free, so versions are only available, when they are freely accessible in the internet. The texts will be provided by the original characters and in addition by an ASCII-transliteration. This transliteration is chosen in such a way that it corresponds to known transliterations as far as possible. As far as non-ASCII characters are used by the transliteration, changes were made to make sure that every keyboard in the world can write these characters. A transliteration list is provided in the help about the bible versions.
Parallel reading of different translations provides a better view of the original text, because it makes the differnt interpretations of the different translators visible.
2. Presentation of a book with the SELECT menu:
You choose a book of the bible from the SELECT menu and send your choice with the button «Display text of the bible». You find this button below the SELECT menu.
The book will be displayed at the screen. The bible text is organized as you requested by «Presentation of the Biblical Text», «Alignment of the Bible versions», and «Bible Versions to be displayed». These functionalities will be explained in the following paragraphs.
You only can display one book of the bible in one screen.
If you want to download Bible text, please go to BIOLA-University. At this university, you will find a lot of useful information, but on a university level.
3. Presentation of the Biblical Text:
4. Alignment of the Bible Versions:
The horizontal or vertical alignment of the selected bible versions is determined. The block size is determined already by 2.: Verses, chapters or the full book. If you select side by side, the text will be presented in columns, all columns with the same width.
If you want to compare a small number of translations, then you might prefer side-by-side. If the colums are too narrow, a horizontal alignment is suggested. In this case, every translation uses the full width of the window.
5. Bible Versions to be displayed:
At the beginning, let me compliment the Geneva Bible Society on their support. When I started this work, most bible societies - the Lord may forgive them - used their translations, as if it were their personal belonging and not a present, which they got from the Lord for free. The Geneva Bible Society was the first, which granted a licence to use the translation by Schlachter. Search in the internet and you will find a lot of reports about youth groups, which typewrited the bible to make it available on their web site, because they loved the Lord and his word. But with capitalistic methods, they were stopped to do so. The Geneva Bible Society very early showed a more liberal behavior and allowed the use of Schlachter's translation, at least in the older version (before 2000). At the time being, it is widely accepted that even the copy right of a translation ends at least 70 years after the death of the last participant of the translation. So more bible versions are available now.
Biola University in La Mirada in the greater area of Los Angeles, CA, did a tremendous work by collecting bible versions, which are public domain, transformed them into an electronic version that allows ongoing work.
My work uses, as far as they are available, these text versions, which you may find at THE UNBOUND BIBLE.
Might the Lord bless the distribution of his word and all these people, which work actively to make the word of the Lord freely available in the internet. There is also a blessing for those, who distribute the word by using methods, which they might have learned in some arbitrary publishing house. The Lord will bless them as well, as Paul writes to the saints in Philippi: What then? only that in every way, whether in pretence or in truth, Christ is proclaimed; and therein I rejoice, yea, and will rejoice. Philippians 1,18.
The selection of the Bible versions
You may select a Bible version by entering a positive number into the input box in front of the name of the version. The bible versions will be presented in the order, which you requested by the order of the numbers. You may provide series like 1, 3, 5, 99. It will be transformed into 1, 2, 3, 4 in the same order as you requested. If you enter a text, beginning with a -, e.g. -abc or -10 or even only -, then this version will not be selected, a 0 is entered automatically into this input box. If you clear the input box, this will be understood as a deselection of this version as well. If you enter another character, which is not a number and not -, this will be understood as 998. Versions which are requested with the same positive number will be used in the order of the menu.
When you push any button, the order, which you entered, will be taken over by the program. It will be displayed by 1, 2, 3, …. If you want to see this result before you take other action, then you may do this by using the button
6. Search of a Passage from the Bible:
This function is available, if you push the button «Display passage from the Bible». Before pushing this button, you have to enter a passage from the Bible into the input box at the left side of the button.
The intention was to provide a robust tool for the identification of the passage from the Bible:
All marks in front of the first significant mark are ignored. A significant mark is a digit or a letter. If the first significant mark is a digit, a book like 2. Corinthians or 1. John is expected. Now the first character is identified. The sequence of characters up to the next digit is analyzed. If this sequence can only be found in exactly one book of the bible, this will be identified as the name of the book. „1j3“ refers to 1. John 3, because no book name, starting with a j is of the type 1. J… „j3“ is not unique because of John 3, Job 3 etc. If you try „ao15“, no Bible text will be displayed, because this might be «Acts of the Apostles» or „Amos“. The number of chapters within the book is not checked at this point. You might change to „amo15“ to ensure uniqueness, but you will now receive a headline «Amos Chapter 15» together with a remark «Passage of bible does not exist». If you write instead „ac15“, you will find „Acts of the Apostles Chapter 15“ and will be informed about leadership within the early church of Jerusalem.
For the continuing interpretation, it is relevant, how many numbers follow and which marks are between them. Blanks will be ignored, but «12 34» will be interpreted as two numbers, 12 and 34 and not as 1234. This sequence will result in an error, because it cannot be distinguished whether chapter 12 verse 34 (1 verse) or chapter 12 to chapter 34 (23 chapters) is meant. To make this clear, marks like «,» (12, 34) or «.» (12.34, blanks are without effect) or «;» (12;34) or «:» (12:34) should be used to indicate chapter 12 verse 34. For the second alternative, «-» (12-34) has to be used to indicate chapter 12 to chapter 34:
«lk12,34» provides Luke chapter 12 verse 34 (For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.).
«lk12-34» provides Luke chapter 12 to chapter 34. Chapter 34 does not exist, so Luke 12-24 will be displayed.
«lk12,3-4» provides Luke chapter 12 verse 3 to verse 4.
«lk1-2,34» provides Luke chapter 1 verse 1 to chapter 2 verse 34.
«lk1,2-3,4» provides Luke chapter 1 verse 2 to chapter 3 verse 4.
Following verses are also supported:
«lk12f» provides Luke chapter 12 and chapter 13.
«lk12ff» provides Luke chapter 12 and chapter 13 and chapter 14.
«lk12,34f» provides Luke chapter 12 verse 34 and verse 35.
«lk12,34ff» provides Luke chapter 12 verse 34 and verse 35 and verse 36.
When the search is not successful when checkin English book names, German book names are investigated as well. So 1.Mose (1m) is also available besides Genesis and its abbreviations.
Other examples:
Text | Interpretation | Alternatives |
1. John 3, 18 | 1. John chapter 3 verse 18 | 1j3:18 1.j3.18 1.j.3;18 1j 3, 18 1.John 3.18 |
1. John 3, 18f | 1. John chapter 3 verse 18 and verse 19 | 1j3:18f 1.j3.18.f 1;j3;18; f 1j 3, 18 f 1.John 3.18F |
1. John 3, 18ff | 1. John chapter 3 verse 18, verse 19 and verse 20 | 1j3:18ff 1j3,18 f f 1j3:18F F 1j3,18FF 1j3,18F:-)) asd F |
1. John 3, 18 - 21 | 1. John 3, 18 to 1. John 3, 21 | 1j3,18-21 But: In 1j3,18-21f the mark f will be ignored. |
1. John 3, 18 - 4, 7 | 1. John 3, 18 to 1. John 4, 7 | 1j3,18-4,7 But: In 1j3,18-4,7f the mark f will be ignored. |
1. John 3 - 4, 7 | 1. John 3, 1 to 1. John 4, 7 | 1j3-4,7 But: In 1j3-4,7f the mark f will be ignored. |
1. John 3 - 4 | 1. John 3, 1 to 1. John 4, 21 (End of chapter 4) |
1j3-4 But: In 1j3-4f the mark f will be ignored. |
1. John 3, 18 - 4, 99 | 1. John 3, 18 to 1. John 4, 21 (End of chapter 4) |
1j3,18-4,99 But: 1j3,18-4 provides the full chapter 3 without accentuation. |
1. John 3, 18 - 99, 99 | 1. John 3, 18 to 1. John 5, 21 (End of the first letter of John) |
At the screen, you always will see full chapters, to enable a look into the context. The requested verses are accentuated. If full chapters are requested, the accentuation is prevented in the most cases to avoid too much red color.
Please inform me, if there is a function not working properly, or if you have additional requests, which are not covered currently.
God bless you, when you read HIS word.