Bible Versions to be displayed
schl - Schlachter - Schlachter - German Translation of the Bible, 1951
lu12 - Luther - Luther - German Translation of the Bible, 1912
el05 - Elberfelder - Elberfelder - German Translation of the Bible, 1905
meng - Menge - Menge - German Translation of the Bible, 1949
lxxa - Septuaginta - Septuaginta - Greek Old Testament with accents
grti - GrTischendorf - Tischendorf - Greek New Testament without accents
grwh - GrWestcott-Hort - Westcott-Hort - Greek New Testament without accents, 1881. VAR1: Westcott-Hort, VAR2: Nestle-Aland 27th Ed.
grtr - TextusReceptus - Textus Receptus; - Greek New Testament without accents, 1550/1894. VAR1: Variants of Stephens 1550, VAR2: Variants of Scrivener 1894.
helc - HeLeningradV - Hebrew Old Testament - All vowels and markers - Leningrad Codex, Russian National Library, St. Petersburg
helo - HeLeningradoV - Hebrew Old Testament - Without vowels - Leningrad Codex, Russian National Library, St. Petersburg
vuln - NovaVulgata - Nova Vulgata - Latin Translation of the Bible, 1979
asvb - AmStandard - English American Standard Version 1901
kija - KingJames - King James Bible - English translation of the Bible, 1611
chus - Hongkong - Chinese Hongkong Bible Society 1919 with simplified Chinese characters
arab - SmithvDyke - Arabian - Smith and van Dyke 1865
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